5 Tips for creating a great First-Time Experience

Abhinav Agrawal
1 min readJul 9, 2018


A first-time user is successful if he sees enough value to keep using the product. At this very early stage of your product experience, only a few key actions matter.

So how do you build a great first-time experience to keep people using your product?

  1. Don’t make the user go through time-consuming tours or tips regarding the product nobody reads that these days. Just try proving the information they need in the context of their tasks.
  2. Do they ensure your user complete the core task in their first visit? Example: Completing their profile details. Do give them a feeling of success with some congratulations message.
  3. Always give your users that “aha moment” providing how your product has made their lives easier.
  4. Make an emotional connection with your users by using the right language and illustrations to communicate with them. Always be more than useful.
  5. Never ask for information that you don’t need. If you are asking too much information, tell them exactly why you need them. Even try asking that information partially.



Abhinav Agrawal

Lead Designer @PayUindia | Guy with a Notepad | Ex @airtelindia, @TimesInternet